Friday, June 27, 2008

my lil angels ;)

Hanis Farahin : my niece-to-be (insyaAllah ;p).. so cute n adorable tp agak nakall!!
cm uncle die.. hee~

Farisha Edrianna : dari dulu sehingga kini ;) comeeeeeeyyyyyyy.. mcm auntie die.. :D

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

22nd June 2008

happy birthday to me!!! yeyyy!!! i am 22 today! (i mean on the 22nd of June this year ;p) am a year older than last year.. waaaa.. getting older year by year.. mmg la kann.. hehe.. neway, that day goin on really well.. nothing special though.. tepat kul 12 mlm my phone x brenti2 ringing.. messages n calls from family n frens.. tanx all!! n also kat frenster.. i got lotsa wishes.. huhuuu.. terharuu.. i dun feel like celebrating it since x rmai pn yg ada kat umah.. just mama n abah, adik, k.ning n k.nung, n k.pja.. n also ijiiii.. the whole day tu remy treat me as a princess.. everything that i wished for akan ditunaikan.. hehe.. tp im not that mean la mintak bnda bkn2.. hehe.. tu bia la just between the two of us.. ehehe.. later that evening, mama called.. mama n abah br wish ms tu.. uwaaaaa... they forgot!! heee.. but i dun blame them sbb i noe diorg sgt2 terlalu busy nk handle lotsa things.. tmbh2 da nk g uk ni.. byk bnda nk kna setel.. mama ajak celebrate kat lua.. but no need la kan.. bknnye rmai pn.. so i told mama juz wat kat umah je la.. then, about maghrib cmtu mama came home dgn bwk mknn utk 10 org mkn.. giler byk!! huuu.. piza, kfc, a&w.. sume ada.. huuuhuuu.. cake lg... omg.. terharu n at the same time cm rase sedih gak la.. sbb x rmai yg ada.. kirenye our siblings, just me n adik.. plus k.pja.. the rest xde!! uwaaaa.. x penah celebrate bday cmni tauu.. tp xpe.. mama n abah tried their hardest to make me happy.. alhamdulillah.. after several years x celebrate bday kat umah (since form 4 i think), at last celebrate jgk.. huhuu.. mlm tu mmg full tank mkn.. bestt.. hehe.. tp cake tu ari ni br abes.. cake kecik je tp xde org nk mkn pn.. huu.. tu pn abis sbb hidang kat guests yg dtg umah.. hehe.. after all, i would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody yg make me feel very special that day.. even wish je pn, its more than enuff.. its the thought that counts.. huuu.. thank u.. love u all.. mwahhh..
btw, here are sum pics.. (especially to my sibs yg xde that day.. hehe)

the cake

mane sume org ni?? abah lapa laa.. hekhekk..

Saturday, June 21, 2008

today's a history!

wahahaha... today's a history.. huhuuu... well,nothing special happened in the morning.. tp ari ni makan nasi kerabu.. yummyyy!!! after subuh, i planned nk tido blk sbb mlm smlm tdo lmbt.. but then x bleh tdo la plak.. as usual, dok melangut dpn laptop ni.. tetibe my bro, kue buzz suh g tgk bini die da bgn ke blm.. werk!! hhehe.. tp sbg adik yg baik, g la jgk kann.. pastu die ajak i challenge dlm orangeshark online games.. men pyramid solitaire.. die yg create buddy challenge and ajak org battle.. pastu die kalah.. die mls nk men sbb da busan.. ape daa... after bekfes n men games tu, dlm tgahari tu i da ngntok tahap ape tah.. then i tdo..

bgn2 je, amek hp and omg!! da kul 2.30pm??? giler lame tido.. haha.. da la janji nk kua datim.. msti lmbt ni.. mandi pn blom.. huuu.. then, dgn pantas i bersiap n lunch (nasi kerabu again ;p).. then kua! g isi minyak kete (which increased from less than rm60 to rm80 full tank..) huhuhu.. pastu igt nk g clinic nk amek ubat.. my allergic da dtg blk.. tp clinic tutup.. then, we all pg meneruskan misi.. the next mission was remy nk bli baju,suar,etc for his practical.. huhuu.. tp td bli kemeja je.. ok la tu.. puas ati jugak.. then,after minum, we all pulang.. after maghrib about 8.30pm, i da xthn sgt gatal allergic ni (plus gataii gedix :p).. i asked remy to teman i g pharmacy.. nk kna g cari ubat jgkk.. hukhukk.. da la kul 9.30pm die da janji ngn the gang nk men badminton.. disbbkan rasa chenta yg mendalam die follow la jgk i g pharmacy.. rushing pn rushing la.. hehe.. tanx lalink!! :"> after g pharmacy, he asked me to go n see him play.. i x selesa ngn kegatalan ni so i xnk pg.. tp sbb nk amek ati die, i told him bia i yg g anta die ke dewan tuu.. hehe.. die sgt gumbira!! =D

as i waited for him to change n get dressed, i dok lam kete je la.. kat luar umah tu kwn2 die sume da ada.. bile die da siap, while kna tnggu one of them lg, they all borak2 and i lyn his niece je.. tetibe si comel tu ckp mamatok ajak i masuk (means she wanted to see me! ow my gosh!) i da menggelabah cicak da.. mak mentua nk jmpe.. uwaaaa.. xmoe! xmoe! hukhukk.. ngn remy2 skali terperanjat... siap g tny mama die ag.. confirmation babe! ahahah.. then he told me to go je la kan.. da mama die nk jmpe.. huu.. dgn muke yg cover + control, i g la jgk.. xkn nk wat perangai plak.. x pasal2 kna reject nt... hahaha.. but, alhamdulillah.. his mom's rock! best borak.. x rase kekok.. his sis pn ada.. ok jgk.. overall, i feel good being in the fam.. hehhe.. petanda baik nehh.. adik2 die mmg da knal pn.. n the guys pn best jgk.. alamak, lebey2 lak puji.. hahaha.. tp td pn nasib bek ada bdk kecik tu.. leh gak layan2 die kaler la.. biase la bdk2.. nk tnjuk die pny kaler, die pny buku.. haha.. comeyy je..

fewwhhh, that's what i told earlier.. today's a history! hari ini dalam sejarah! ahhaha.. klakar je.. then, after anta remy g men badminton, i went home.. borak2 with mama n abah, layan adik, tgk tv n online jap, n at about 11.30 gtu g amek ikhlas.. br smpai from penang.. after tat, we picked remy up n went to kfc.. ikhlas lapa nk mamam.. n mmg berbaloi la pegi coz puas ati die makan.. large cheezy wedges + zinger burger + chicken + coke float.. hahaha.. after mkn, we went home n here i am again.. sbb xde mende nk wat, laptop ni la my bestest fren at all.. hukhukk.. smbil dok dgr ikhlas men gitar.. lagu pe tah.. ehhehe.. ok, chiow for now.. till next post, dadaaaa~~

Thursday, June 19, 2008

saturday, 14th June 2008

saturday, June 14th.. that day we celebrated deweet's (my ank spupu) birthday.. from the morning till nyte, i did nothing except preparing for the birthday.. xtau aa nape begitu bersemangat.. maybe sbb lame da x clbrt bday n deweet herself sgt hyper-excited about her bday.. a day before tu, i took adik n kakak (remy's niece) with remy along pegi beli present tuk deweet.. she told me die nk teddy bear yg pakai baju.. i asked her, "adik nk present ape utk bday adik?" then she replied, "adik nk ted...dy...bear...yg pakai baju.. adik tgk ada kat kbmall ari tuh." hahaha... then kitorg pg la mencari ape yg deweet wish tu.. survey pny survey, we end up bli medium size teddy yg pakai baju (she told me jgk nk yg medium size..hehe).. act,xde la survey sgt as kakak (remy's niece) nangis sbb die takot bunyi org muzik.. cm muzik makyong gtu.. ada perasmian ape tah kat kbmall mase tu.. then,utk memujuk si comel tu we took her to mcd (and yey for adik as well sbb blm smpt mintak lg i da bwk g mcd..haha).. after makan2 kat mcd,we all trus pulang..

ok ok.. back to the story on the saturday.. sehari suntuk tu, i prepared cards (from the whole fam n from mama abah).. act,adik da wat separuh card tu tp x siap.. die plak ada discussion ngn kwn2 die.. so i continued laa.. then, mama n abah bg present lain tuk deweet.. i la yg wrapped the present n prepared the cards.. ptg tu about 4 sumthing, mami called suh i siapkan deweet sbb sume org kt umh tu bz.. i pon okkan je la.. xkn nk ckp x ok.. tp i mmg niat nk siapkan die pon.. sbb days before tu die da ckp nt bday die suh i iron rmbut die.. haha.. comel tul bdk tu.. then deweet came, i siapkan die.. pastu g smbng setelkan cards n presents.. kpja dtg pastu bwk anis.. anis men ngn deweet n adik n i pg bersiap.. pastu, pg la bday deweet tu.. xtau plak mami ajak rmai org.. che long ank branak n mamaling ank branak... ank2 ayh li pon ada.. adehhh.. x suke la ramai2.. igt kite2 je.. uhhu..

after disiapkan by me..

br nk nyanyi..

slurrrppppp... kate deweet.. :D

the girls...

birthday girl..

k.yaya n deweet n teddy the present..

same present ngn k.yaya.. haha

mama, present n deweet..

after majlis, me n kpja went to hospital pakar perdana.. g tgk faris ank ayah li.. masuk ward sbb alergic die menyerang lagi.. about 8pm cmtu we all da smpai umah.. then, g cari bj tdo utk anis coz kpja stay dlu nk bncang ngn mama pasal nk g uk.. n anis really having fun men2 ngn busy.. hehe.. anis pon da bleh get along ngn sume org.. sie da enjoy dtg cni n men2 with busy n k.yaya.. while mama n kpja busy discuss bout the trip to uk, i nyebok2 je dgr.. nk msk cmpur sgt pn i x ikut g uk.. uwaaaaaaa... tp x kesah ponnn.. i pon nt ada trip ngn bebudak ni cume x confirm ag.. kan da final sem so kite mesti enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!

bercakap pasal final sem ni, ari tu result for last sem pny final da keluar.. alhamdulillahh.. syukur sgt2.. my pointer naik from ari tu pny result.. n i got a- for accounting subject! wahaha.. mmg x sangka langsung.. x sia2 bersengkang mata study.. huhuhu.. smpai lebam2 mate n lecturer ckp i kna tumbuk! wahahaha.. tu la org ckp rezeki msg2 kan.. huuu... well, one more semester to go.. need to struggle for this.. insyaallah i will make everything better.. hehehe.. till then, will update more in the next post.. dadaaaa~~

Thursday, June 12, 2008

bored to death..

uwaaaa... isk3.. borimmmm!!! today's 10th june 2008.. maknenye da 9 ari x update blogger nehh.. bkn stakat x update, jenguk pon x.. huu.. since came home from kl on the 5th june last week, internet kat umah wat hal.. so almost a week jgk la xleh online.. dunno why.. maybe sbb tuka router kot.. the existing router tinggal kat kl.. so, blk umah g bli yg baru.. tgk2 xleh setting plak.. internet pny part tu jd lampu merah.. nape tah.. nak kate x byr bil, sume da clear.. xde tertunggak2 da.. ntah ler.. ari ni baru dpt.. huu.. maybe sbb die x bg chun surfing kot.. chun g kl je, trus dpt.. wahahahhaa..

hmmm.. nothing much happen lately.. spjg blk ni, xde watpe pon.. cm biase ler.. kua dating, settlekan hal2 kat umah ni.. pastu xde bnda yg penting2 sgt la.. hee.. byk gak masa spent ngn k.pja.. tmnkan die g jmpe auntie2, pastu g bli phone ngn die.. ekeke.. my phone slalu wat hal ari tu.. die pny screen ape mslh tah.. then abah ckp xyah repair lg la.. da byk kali repair da.. abah suh g bli baru je.. n he told me to go with k.pja since k.pja pny phone pon rosak.. so ari ahad ke isnin br ni tah.. i went to kbmall ngn k.pja.. before that, i da g survey2 ngn remy.. ingat nk bli sony ericsson yg K850 tu.. mmg da berkenan sgt laa.. but masa nk g bli ngn k.pja tu, chun called n die ckp kwn die gtau phone tu senang rosak sbb kwn die pon pakai phone tu.. after consult dgn remy, he told me xpyh bli that one la sbb i ni bknnye cermat sgt.. terbolahh ore klate kato.. adehh.. da kena fire x pasal2.. haha..

smbil2 pk nk bli pe tu, k.pja told me die nk cari pda.. mmg da lame nk cari tu.. huuu.. then i pk best gak kalo pda ek.. heee... tp i xnk pkai nokia da.. da busan.. dr first knal ape itu henset, dr tu la asyk pkai nokia je.. tuka angin lakk.. hee.. then i pusing2 ngn k.pja cari mende alah tu.. then apek tu tunjuk sony ericsson P1i.. huu.. cam berkenan je.. tp k.pja nk cari yg advance sket laa.. sbb die nk connect ngn ape bende tah.. lupe da.. hee.. setelah lbh kurang 2jam bertapa kat ctu, i angkat tat sony n k.pja angkat LG.. smartttt tau k.pja pny tuu.. hee.. first2 pakai, kekok giler.. kampung giler xtau pkai langsung.. tp skang ni i da get used to it.. hee.. tahniahh ilyani! haha..

ok ok.. abis cite tu.. hmm.. today hari airport sedunia.. sbbnye ari ni je 3 kali i g airport.. first, tgahari td g anta chun.. die nk g kl sbb ada exam ari sabtu ni.. then, ptg tu kua ngn remy xtau nk pg mane.. kitorg pusing2 last2 smpai airport jgk.. pastu benti bli rojak buah kat tepi jln tuu.. best giler.. kitorg cm org mengidam dpt mkn tu.. slurrppp.. haha.. then about kul 10.30pm td g lg skali airport anta k.pja plak.. die ada hal kat kl.. hal yg x dpt disebut di sini.. hahaha... pastu i yg dilanda keboringan mengambil keputusan untuk meluahkan isi hati di blog ni.. uwaaa.. adik da tido, mama abh kua dating x blk ag, k.ning da tido.. k.nung xtau watpe since die x memberi ape2 kepentingan kepadaku di kala ini.. hahaha.. die ngah iron kot.. hobi die di malam hari.. hehehe..

oklaa.. tired of perah otak nk recall ape yg terjadi last few days.. hehe.. owh lupe.. adik dmm ari tu.. but thank God bkn denggi.. fewwhhh... huu,ok.. tat's all for now.. nt i rajin, i upload pics n story lagi.. hee.. daaa~~

Monday, June 2, 2008


Well, i got this from the internet.. Am bored to death.. Found this n thought of posting it here.. But dunno whether it's true or not.. We cannot judge ourselves but u guys do.. Hahaha.. Here's our characteristics as what being copied from the internet n pasted here.. January as for remy n June as for me..

------------ ---JANUARY BABY-------- --------- ---

Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored.
Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to
recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth.

------------ JUNE BABY ------------ -
You've got the best personality and are an
absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make
new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt
and more than likely have an a very attractive
partner. a wicked hottie. It is also more than likely
that you have a massive record collection. You
have a great choice in films, and may one day
become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck,
you've got the looks for it!!!

hahahahaha.. cam tipu jerkk.. i may become a famous actress? hahhh!!! see, i told u.. i wasnt tat bad.. hahaha.. kan da perasan tuu.. werkk!!! ;p